
Friday, June 1, 2012


This is the weekend of the annual stitching retreat known as Ridgecrest.  It is actually the Regional Seminar of the Carolinas Region of the Embroiderer’s Guild of America, held at the Ridgecrest Conference Center near Black Mountain, North Carolina.  It’s usually the first weekend in June and runs from Friday afternoon through lunch on Sunday.  Four classes with nationally known teachers and Studio Time (work on the projects you bring) are offered. There’s a book store with stitching books from Ruth Kern and opportunity baskets to buy chances on. The accommodations are comfortable, but no frills, and there’s a cafeteria for meals. All in all, it is quite nice and very inexpensive. I don’t know how many people attend, but I’m guessing between 80 and 90 each year. The Raleigh chapter is usually represented well and has been known to make up their own themed head gear. I could have my own studio time weekend here, but it wouldn’t be the same.  Getting together to stitch with friends is the best thing about Ridgecrest. Here are some photos from recent years at Ridgecrest.

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