
Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Posy Teacup

I’m glad this one is finished (#13 of 18).  It’s my least favorite of the ones I’ve done and I really had to make myself work on it. It’s not even shaped like a cup.  I bet it would be hard to wash, too. What is a Posy anyway?

Here’s what the whole thing looks like so far.

I’m going to run the vacuum cleaner around the apartment, then get started on the Shamrock Teacup. 

Ted is gone on a camping trip with one of his classes, so I am the kitty catering service while he is gone.  Neko-chan is a very nice cat. She likes to be petted and scritched behind the ears. She's very quiet and well mannered and needs an inside home before the snow falls.

1 comment:

  1. I thought a posy was a flower. Looked it up, apparently it's a bouquet of flowers:
