
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I’m pleased with the number of projects I finished in 2012 – more than I have finished in the previous five (or more) years combined, I’m sure.  I expect I will finish many in 2013 also. There are a few I really want to work on and finish this year. My New Year’s Resolution is to finish the following needlework pieces.

This small wall hanging quilt was a class I took at the Houston International Quilt Festival some years ago. I don’t remember the teacher/designer’s name, but she was from Great Britain and I bought one of her books while in Houston.  The book didn’t make the cut on what I could bring to Japan, so I can’t tell you who she was.  I finished the machine piecing and sandwiched it together.  Now it needs to be hand quilted and to sew on the binding and the sleeve to hang it. It doesn’t sound like that much, does it? 



This beaded velvet shawl was a class I took at the Chicago National EGA seminar. The teacher/designer is Deanna Powell.  I’ve wanted to work on this but have been reluctant to get it all out and set up.  There are many different beads and sequins and I need a big table space to work on it. You can see the lining behind the velvet.  It really is a beautiful piece and I would love to finish and wear it.

This is a small wall hanging quilt to be made with silk ribbon to look like a Baltimore album quilt and I have never even started it.  I bought the book and all the threads and silk ribbons at a large quilt show in Indianapolis when I lived there.  The receipt is still in the package and I cringe thinking about how much I spent! You can see the fabric for it behind all the ribbons and threads. I’m sure it will be beautiful when I finish it.

Blackwork is probably my favorite technique.  Tanja Berlin taught this Peacock at one of the EGA National Seminars. I think it was Richmond, but I’m not for sure.  The class was full and I was not able to take it, but I did buy the kit from Nordic Needle some time afterward.  I took the Blackwork Pheasants class at the Louisville National Seminar and purchased the Kingfisher kit at merchandise night.  I did finish the Pheasants and had it framed.  I would like to finish these two and have them all framed and hanging together.

This miniature chair cushion was a class I took at Conner Prairie in Indiana twenty or more years ago.  I made two doll houses and much of the furnishings and decorations for them.  I had to give them up when we moved here, but I did keep the little chair that I bought for this cushion.  As you can see it is oh so very tiny. 

Like I said, I think I’ll finish many things this year, but I especially want to finish these.  What projects do you hope to finish this year?

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year
    Having had a visitor I haven't set my stitching schedule for 2013 but am certainly inspired by yours.
