
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Oldest People

I’ve always been interested in those who are named the oldest people in the world.  The Guinness Book of World Records keeps track and designates a new person to be THE oldest when the previous oldest person dies, as happened recently.  American Besse Cooper was 116 years old when she died in December. She attributed her longevity with minding her own business and not eating junk food.

The current oldest person had already been designated the oldest living man and he is from Japan.  His name is Jiroemon Kimura and he was born April 19, 1897, which means he turned 115 last April! He is one of only six men ever to live past 114 years.  He credits his long life with eating a healthy diet and small portions.  He lives in Kyoto with his son’s widow and his grandson’s widow.

The three oldest living supercentarians (people age 110 or older) are Japanese and the third oldest lives in Hokkaido. Her name is Hatsue Ono  and she was born October 31, 1898.     

Okinawans are known for living a long time and there have been studies and books about it.  Apparently genetics play a role, but it is also due to the diet and life style of the people of Okinawa.  I want to read and learn more about the Okinawa Way.

I have been thinking about this more recently.  How much of longevity is in our control and how much is in the genes we are born with?  Some people are mentally and physically able to take care of themselves in their 90’s and other people have memory and physical health issues from a much younger age. Which would be worse, having an alert mind and a failing body, or good physical health and not know what is going on any more?  I always hate to hear about a stitcher who can no longer see to stitch.  I can’t imagine what I’ll do when I can no longer see to stitch. 

So far, I’m not having any vision problems and I hope that continues.  I’m working on this little silk gauze cat project. With good light and a black cloth under the piece I’m able to see to stitch without magnification.   I think I might have made a counting mistake already though.  After I have a cup of coffee, I’ll see.


1 comment:

  1. Pamela I often think about sight too. I am sure I'd rather be deaf than blind. I can always get false teeth but nothing will replace my eyes. The HD3QBEM has macular degeneration and I pray it won't be an inheritance I receive. Well done on the 40 count stitching.
