
Monday, March 4, 2013


I read Sharon B’s PinTangle blog and one of the weekly features is Take A Stitch Tuesday. She shows an embroidery stitch and invites her readers to try it out.  Last week’s stitch was the buttonholed herringbone and I decided to join in. This looks like a great way to learn new stitches or practice ones you already know. I used an evenweave 28 count fabric and #5 perle cotton.


The first scallop turned out to look the best.  I think I used more buttonhole stitches on that set.  I’ll have to remember to make the stitches very snug the next time I try it.

1 comment:

  1. TAST is a great way to learn new stitches and use the ones one already knows in a new, fresh way.
    One of the real advantages with an online project like this is that participants are from all corners of the world and share their way of seeing the stitches. It is nice to have another 'Japanese' in the group; I live in Tokyo.
