
Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Cost of Heating

We heat our apartment with a toyu stove.  I first told you about our “furnace” here.  Last winter, the cost of toyu was 87 yen per liter, now the cost is 101 per liter. We use about 75 liters every few weeks. Gasoline prices have also gone up in the last year.  I don’t know the cause of these increases, but I think the weaker yen and exchange rate must be part of it. Fuel has to be imported from somewhere else.

I am really enjoying this pulled thread sampler and have finished a few more of the patterns. The diagrams are very good, and I’m glad I followed the directions and did the basting.

Pattern #5 combines diagonal satin and Greek cross stitches.

Pattern #6 is my second favorite so far, after pattern #1.  It combines satin zigzag and double wave stitch.

Pattern #7 is the triangular satin and the wave stitch.

Pattern #8 is the satin stitch with the four sided stitch.

Pattern #9 is the diagonal stitch and the straight stitch.


  1. Speedy! Your needle must be smoking. This sampler is growing really fast. I love the close up shots of the stitches. They are all beautiful in their own way. As George Orwell famoulsy said - "they are all equal but some are more equal than others"!

  2. Nice samples.
