
Monday, April 29, 2013

Point Cards and Kimono-wearing Women

Nearly every store or service place in Hokkaido has a “Point Card”. If you don’t have one, the clerk will ask if you want one, so of course, you end up with one. I have a few of them – the two fabric stores (Pandora House and Kanariya), the Indian restaurant, Haruki grocery store, and Mr. Donut.  Ted has a wallet full of them.


The problem is, I don’t know how much I need to spend to get a stamp or what I get when I fill the card. I had some points on the Mr. Donut card that expired because I didn’t go often enough.  Sometimes the clerk will tell you so you can use them.  Ted got a free donut one time and got a free DVD rental last week.


I never forget that I am in Japan, but when I am out and about and I see women wearing traditional Japanese clothing, I can’t help thinking -  I’m in Japan!

1 comment:

  1. We have the "point card curse" in New Zealand too but at least I can read the small print.
