
Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday Morning Star Count - I'm Learning

Lesson 1: I love these Japanese silk fabrics, but I don’t think they were the best choice for this project.  They don’t finger press well and I’m afraid to use much heat from the iron on them. This project is turning out okay, but my next epp project will be with cotton fabrics.

Lesson 2: I should have read the directions for this project better.  It called for 36 hexagons, which is what I used.  What I didn’t read was the size – 2 cm hexagons. Mine are 26 mm size hexagons, so it’ll turn out a little bigger than the little pouch in the Quilting on the Go! book.

Lesson 3: I didn’t plan the order of putting the hexagons together very well. The paper pieces need to stay in place until all sides are stitched.  I ended up folding some of the in place paper pieces to be able to stitch them together.  It worked out, but wasn’t ideal.

I’m learning.


I’ve picked out a blue-ish gray floral cotton print for the lining.  I haven’t picked out the binding fabric yet.

I’m already cutting cotton fabric for my next project.  I hope to have something done to report next week. I'm just a beginner at this, but you can check out the projects of other stitchers at Life Under Quilts.


  1. Use starch with soft silks, that's the only way to get a crisp folding line when finger pressing. Like the colours, though.

    Compliments on your kingfisher, its really, really beautiful.

  2. Those are beautiful! You're nearly finished!

  3. I am always looking to improve in my next project, too. And I have been quilting for over 40 years...and still making mistakes! Your fabrics are perfectly gorgeous.

  4. Your fabrics are beautiful! It is good when we can learn from our mistakes, I know I learn something each time I work a new project, whether from the mistakes I make or from changing things to suit my creative muse...this will be lovely when you finish...

  5. Everyone has to start somewhere. At least you are learning from your mistakes. So far what you have shown looks really beautiful! I hope you stick with it to have a finished item.

  6. Pamela,
    I'm just catching up on blogs tonight (there's only so much you can read on a smartphone!) and it seems you've got a full and wonderful life in Hokkaido. I'm happy for you (and a bit natsukashii). Your hexagons are soothing, and I think the sewing kit will come out beautifully. Can't wait to see it all stitched up. I spoke to my friend in Tomakomai last night (finally!) and she is thrilled with the idea of meeting you. I'll email you her phone #.
    Take care~
