
Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday Morning Star Count - 146

I completed 15 more flowers this week for a total of 146. 


Are you wondering what 146 flowers look like?  I was, so I laid them all out.  It almost covers the top of the double bed.

A conservative estimate is 100 more, probably more like 120 more, to get a bed sized quilt top.  I better start cutting more fabric.


  1. Don't they look wonderful all laid out. Are you pleased with the colour variations? I think this looks superb - almost I am persuaded to try one myself. Maybe some day ;-)

  2. What a delight to see the result of your hard work! Yes, you need more flowers but the pace you are on, it won't be long before you have a completed top! Just beautiful.

  3. One more time, I love your blue hexies.Blue is my favorite color.
    Greetings Grit

  4. I like your blue Hexasflowers.

    Greetings, Manuela

  5. These are so pretty. Great work! I love that you're continuing the Monday Morning Star Counts. Awesome!
