
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Stitching Resolutions 2014

It’s a new year, so a new start on the list of what I want to work on and finish.  I have so many projects that have been started and many more that have been kitted up and are waiting for me to start.  I have some projects that I want to finish because the class and/or kit were very expensive and I feel obligated to finish them because I have so much money invested.  I have others that I really like the technique or want the finished product, but they are large involved projects that can’t be finished in a week and seem overwhelming.  Some are a combination of these reasons.  Last year I discovered how much I enjoyed making up my own projects and I want to continue doing some of those kind of things.

So, here it is – my New Year’s Stitching Resolutions for 2014

Queen Elizabeth
I took this class at Calloway Gardens School of Needlearts in January 2011. She is high on the list of expensive classes and/or kits.   I have worked on her since coming to Japan, but I haven’t picked up her needle in quite some time. I have a small amount of stitching, then adding the beads left to do.

Moon Dragon
I completed this dragon’s companions, the Sun Dragon and the DragonMaster, since coming to Japan and have worked on this one, but not in quite a while.  This one is also high on the expensive kit list.

Crazy Quilt Wall Hanging
This will be an out of my head project.  I don’t have all the details figured out yet, but I want to do 12 blocks; maybe I can do one a month to keep it on track to be finished in a year.  I want to make it entirely with materials I already have – no new purchases, if possible.  I have cut the 12 pieces of 12x12 inch fabric and am ready to take my ideas from my head to the blank fabric. I haven't decided on block size yet - maybe 9 inches or maybe 10 inches.

There – three big projects to complete this year.  I’m sure I’ll finish a lot of other things along the way, but these are the three that I really want to complete. In addition, I'd like to do more beading and work on my RSN Knot Garden this year. I'm also planning to participate in the 2014 Small SAL at Stitching Lotus.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you. Isn't it fun at the beginning of a year to make plans? I intend to stick to my "no framing required" mantra in all my stitching this year as I don't want or need anthing else on my walls and framing is just too expensive. Also I am not doing any SALs this year either as I found them too much pressure. I will be watching for your finishes though:-)
