
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Names, Toolies, and a Preview

My neighbor is expecting a baby in March.  I asked her if she and her husband had chosen a name yet.  She said they had no good ideas so far and explained that the kanji for their family name has 13 strokes, so the baby’s given name has to have the number of kanji strokes that when combined with the number in the family name results in a lucky number. The combined names have to be lucky as well as sound good together.  Isn’t that interesting?  Awhile back I wrote about the most popular baby names and I was surprised that there were the same names with different kanji.  It has to do with the number of strokes to make it a lucky name.

Margaret held a give-away on her blog – and I was chosen!  This hardanger book with many projects, including the little toolie set on the cover, just came in the mail.  Thank you Margaret!  I see there are more little toolies in my stitching future.

Weather permitting, we are heading to Sapporo for the Snow Festival today.   (If we can’t get there today, we will try again tomorrow.)  Here’s a quick preview of photos I took as I briefly walked through Odori Park this week. (It was snowing, so the photos are rather dull and dark).


  1. Congratulations on winning the book! It is much easier to give a baby a name in other countries, eh? I hope you make it to the snow festival in Sapporo. If not you can always come to Tokyo to see the snowfall here. It is supposed to be the heaviest in 16 years. NOTHING like in Iwamisawa of course, but spectacular nevertheless!

  2. How much easier life is when you don't feel the need to take superstitions into account! But what wonderful snow sculptures.
    Enjoy the new book!=)
