
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Twelve Months to the Double Nickel - March Edition

This month, I want to cut down on sugar.  I’d like to say I’m going to quit eating all sugar, but I know that is not reasonable for me.  My baby step plan is to give up bottled drinks this month and carry my own water bottles.  In the US, if I bought a drink, it would be a diet soda (I know, not healthy either, but no kcalories).  Here, there are very few choices when it comes to diet drinks, but bottled teas are popular.  My favorites are lemon tea and milk tea.  I can’t read the ingredients, but both taste sweet, so I’m sure there are a lot of empty kcalories in them.

I’m walking (January) and stretching (February) more than I did before, but I still want to work on consistency.  Baby steps…

I’ve started a new project.  My plan is to finish it by the end of the month as my March smalls stitch a long item.  The whole thing is going to be diagonal rice stitches. Check back later in the month.


  1. Good luck on the sugar! From this month I am swearing off diet coke ( and coke zero!) and will drink only water or Weight Watchers. Lemon and Lime. Their powder sachets flavour the water just perfectly for me.

  2. I think you are taking a lot of baby steps in the right direction.
    When it comes to bottled and canned drinks they are famous for having a hight sugar content. Here are some website for your to read:
    Your other 'baby' project, the small stitch along is looking nice. Rice stitch, how appropriate in Japan!

  3. A beautiful new start.

    Greetings, Manuela

  4. I gave up sweetened drinks in February! This month I'm on to no fried foods/fast food. January was more fruits and vegetables, and I am still doing well with that. Good luck!
