
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Ten More Rows on the Sampler Bag

Row 29
Straight stitch in DMC perle cotton #5 - 3689 and rayon Iris 124

Row 31
Double blanket stitch in rayon Iris 145 and 000

Row 33
Double feather stitch in Caron Wildflowers 236 (Appalachia)

Row 35
Detached chain stitch in DMC perle cotton #12 - 794

Row 37
Arrowhead stitch in DMC perle cotton #5 - 315

Row 39
Wheatear stitch in Gentle Arts Sampler Thread – Ohio Lemon Pie

Row 41
Cross stitch and straight stitch in Caron Wildflowers 133 (Delphium)

Row 43
Straight stitch in DMC perle cotton #5-  4230

Row 45
Long and short blanket stitch in Watercolors 62 (Burnt Toast)

Row 47
Feather stitch in Gentle Arts Sampler Thread

Here's all of it so far:

The remaining rows follow the blue lines and are couched and beaded trim and ribbons.  I pulled out all of my trimming stuff and don’t have much in the 1/8 inch size. I’ll have to make do with what I have and it will be good.

The pattern called for two packets of 00151 ash mauve Mill Hill beads.  I think I will use different colors and maybe different sizes of beads for my bag.  Stay tuned....


  1. Did you work row 41 in individual Cross and Straight stitches, or did you use the Zigzag stitch?
    Your sampler is coming along nicely, I especially like the Arrow stitches.
    Looking forward to what you will do with the ribbon, braid and beads.

  2. Fantastic your diffrent stitches.

    Greetings, Manuela
