
Saturday, June 14, 2014

I Never Really Know What Is Going On

It’s true.  Even though I’ve been here more than two years, I never really know what is going on until it’s over, then I still don’t know. 

After class this week, one of my music English students (a violinist) told me she would be performing on Friday in I-Hall at the university.  I thought she said the concert was at six o’clock. So, yesterday afternoon around twenty ‘til six, I went over to the university.  (I just live across the street).  When I got to I-Hall, I could hear music.  I didn’t have my watch and thought I must be late, oh no!  I waited for a break and went in and sat in the second row, my usual place when I go to I-Hall.  I thought it was odd that there were only a few people in the audience, but there’s never a big turnout for these concerts.  At the end, I figured out that I wasn’t late, I was early!  This was a last minute rehearsal.  Even though I didn’t know what time the concert really started, I ran home to see if Ted wanted to attend.  He was packing for his weekend kayak class trip, so I returned to I-Hall alone and waited. Luckily, I had a small stitching project with me.  Eventually more people came and the concert began for real. The concert was very enjoyable and I loved seeing my student perform. 

Even though I often don’t know what is happening or when it is happening, I somehow manage to get by quite nicely.


  1. I have often been to watch an english student of mine perform (guitar). Always very enjoyable. Love the embroidery colour you are using. One of my favourite colours.

  2. It can make life very 'exciting'! and usually full of nice surprises. I think you are doing great and am full of admiration for your enthusiasm and curious nature.

  3. How nice that you didn't miss the concert and also found time to stitch while you waited for it to start! The floss colors are gorgeous!
