
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Work In Progress Wednesday - California and Kansas

California and Kansas are finished making 21 states completed.  I also started Hawaii and worked on some state lines since last time.


  1. This is really moving along. Good work!

  2. Haha poor Lanai, reduced to a line of stitches. :) Can't wait to see its details pop up!

  3. Every wednesday I'm looking forward, when I see your USA map progress.
    Your map is fantastic.
    Greetings, Manuela

  4. I love all the details in the design.

  5. Such great progress! I love this piece! I have fallen behind in visiting blogs. I have to say, every time you share a project with your hexagons, my desire to finally try making a hexie quilt steps up higher on my mental to do list. Your work is lovely. The BBQ you went to sounds like SO much fun. How fun to have such a sweet lady sit with you on the train. And your black work heart is gorgeous.

  6. Looking good, Pamela. I'm always encouraged and inspired when I see what you've done, thanks for sharing.

  7. Amazing stitching! Great work!
