
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Stitching Year In Review

My “Work in Progress Wednesday” posts have been devoted to projects that I have been stuck on.  I finished eight of my stuck projects and the ninth ( the beaded shawl) will soon be finished.

I finished the big quilt after working on it more than two years. In addition, I finished the machine cover and the apron that were also hexagon projects.

Eight miniature stitched pieces were finishes and several blackwork pieces.

Other favourite finishes from this year were “Hokkaido has four seasons” and the USA map.


 All in all, a good year for finishes. (You can see all of my 2015 finishes at the tab above.)


  1. Wonderful your hexie quilt.

  2. Fantastic finishes Pamela! Your quilt is lovely!!

  3. You have wonderful finishes in 2015.
    Happy New Year, Manuela

  4. Well done Pamela, that's a superb list of completions! :) WIPW has been good for me over recent years too and I hope Sharon starts running it formally again next year.

  5. Four finishes are awesome, especially when they are all hand sewn.

  6. Marvellous quilt and gorgeous apron, too pretty to use while cooking. Love the colours you use and the map is incredible, a lot of intricate work. Happy New Year.

  7. Just awesome how you managed to finish your projects that you were stuck on.

  8. That quilt is a wonderful finish. Happy New Year!
