
Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Friendly Visitor from Hokkaido

A friend from Hokkaido came to Kagawa to visit her family and she met me for lunch and a walking tour while she was here.  First we had a delicious Japanese lunch.  

After lunch, she showed me a beautiful little park.  She told me that when she was young, there was a monkey on display in this park.  There's no monkey now, but there are some big fish in the pond!  

We continued our walk and visited two small museums. 

We also saw this art zoo - how funny! 

I thoroughly enjoyed our time together and hope to see her again soon.


  1. Those animals in the zoo where the best. What an adventure - thank you for sharing them all.

  2. How lovely to have a visitor and to share a good time together. Hopefully you can meet again like this.

  3. What a wonderful visit! Thanks so much for sharing. :)
