
Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday Morning Star Count - Not!

I am very behind on my blog reading and blog commenting! The two weeks before moving I was busy getting ready and the two weeks since arriving here, I have been even busier. I haven't forgotten to read your blogs, I just haven't had much time lately.  As things here settle down I will catch up. 

I haven't been stitching much since moving either, but as soon as I get everything unpacked and organized, I will be back with that again! I'm sorry I haven't had anything to show.

If you need ideas for new projects, please take a look at these two blogs. (Or even if you don't need any new projects - take a look).

The House on the Side of the Hill   Melody posts links nearly every day for free projects and tutorials.  There are many I have put on my "future projects" list.  She is very generous to find and post so many pretty things.

Stitch Bitch   For the month of March (Craft Month), Nikki is posting all different crafts and finishes with a different daily theme. Some days are stitching, some are paper crafting or other things.

Take a look at both of these blogs and find some ideas and inspiration!  I hope to be posting a Monday Morning Star Count next week.  


  1. Hi Pamela, What an adventure! I'm hoping you get it all straightened out soon.
    Life comes at you, I know.

  2. Hey, thanks for the links. Hope you get your stuff out and put where you want it so you can get back to the important stuff!!
    xx, Carol
