
Thursday, July 28, 2016

2016 Smalls Stitch A Long - Butterfly Coaster

This month's small is a cross stitch insert in a plastic case.  I bought two of these little kits a long time ago.  The price tags say Frank's and they were $1.50 each.  I stitched this one using my choice of colors.  I don't know what I'll stitch on the other one or if I will stitch the other one.  

Linking up with Heather at Stitching Lotus, the hostess of this stitch a long.


  1. Hi Pamela ,wow its so cute,what a beautiful stitchery

  2. OHGosh! I bet I have a couple of those buried somewhere. I'll find them when I do a major overhaul of my room this winter.

  3. What a great little stitch for $1.50. Just a great finish

  4. The coaster is so happy to finally have a lovely cross stitch instead of a price tag. Of course you have to make the other one, for your drinking partner!

  5. Gorgeous coaster Pamela, you must do the other one too.

  6. Beautiful Pamela..I agree it needs a partner!!
