
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Baby Ducks and Little Crabs

Every day I walk by the stream near my apartment and I am always on the lookout for "real live nature".  I was rewarded with this family of ducks.  There were eight ducklings, but they were on the move and I couldn't get them all in one picture.  

I also saw a young woman catching little crabs.  She didn't want her picture taken, but she did let me take a photo of her bag of crabs.


  1. Hi Pam,lovely pics,the ducks are so cute,boy the lady sure got a few crabs there,hope you have a lovely day xx

  2. The ducklings are so cute, and I bet the crabs will taste delicious in soup or deep fried into snacks.

  3. Ducks are entertaining, especially the little ones.
    Little crabs too! Lots of fun.

  4. What is it about ducklings that make folks go awwwwww cute!!?
    Crab soup!

  5. The ducklings sure are cute, nice you can see them growing.
