
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Can These Pants Be Fixed?

I was rushing again, and I fell on the sidewalk. I skinned my palms and knees and tore a hole in the right knee of my pants.  I know, I can't believe I fell AGAIN either.   I really like these pants, but I don't know what to do to make them presentable again.  The hole is about an inch across. Any suggestions?


  1. What is the fabric? I hate to mend and if they are nice pants, it might be difficult to fix. A patch behind and some careful mending? So sorry you had this happen.

  2. Look for iron on patches at a fabric store and iron it on inside the pant leg.

  3. Ouch! I'm sorry to hear that! I believe there are darning tutorials on YouTube that might give you some ideas, maybe start there.

  4. Oh, no not AGAIN! Please do take care, next time it might be a much worse fall.
    As for the trousers, I think the weave looks tricky to mend. There ARE dry cleaners/tailors who can do wonderful work, but it will cost you and you might not be able to find such a shop in your town.

  5. oh dear i am sorry i am not good at mending,i am glad you are ok thought looks like you fell heavy,take care xx

  6. They look like they need a professional touch. I sympathize with your falls. Several years ago I developed a sciatic situation and actually fall quite often because I don't realize that I am not picking up my left foot high enough. Too often we just chock these issues up to clumsiness but there could be a reason. You really should mention the falls to your doc.
    xx, Carol
