
Thursday, August 4, 2016

My Student is a Rock and Roller

One of my students told me he played the drums and about the performance his music school was having. He invited me to see the show.  Well, actually, I may have invited myself, but he didn't seem to mind.  

I thoroughly enjoyed it and am so glad I could attend! It was great to see my student looking so happy and wearing regular casual clothes. I met his lovely wife, who makes jewelry and was wearing a beautiful silver necklace and earring set. 

My student was part of a band with guitarists and a vocalist.  They played/sang "My Sharona".  The vocalist was very energitic and entertaining, but I have to say it was my student, the drummer, who really made the song and performance.  He was so good!  

I'm so glad I was able to go to the show and see my student in another environment with his wife and music.


  1. Hi Pamela sounds like a lot of fun,so glad you got the chance to see him perform

  2. Too many Japanese have to behave according to the rules set by their school and work place, and hide their true personality until after hours. So glad you were able to see 'the other side'.

  3. Great fun opportunity, two artists, one in music, one in jewelry.

  4. How fun!! One of the elements of your blog that I enjoy so much is your sharing the variety of activities you do and the wonderful places you share with us. Bet your student was honored that you attended!.
    xx, Carol
