
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Distal Radius Fracture

I'm home again, now with a big ole cast on my right arm. It's uncomfortable but not really painful unless I accidently bump or twist my arm.  The surgeon put a plate with screws in to keep it connected.   Who would have thought a simple fall would result in this? Maybe I need to slow down and be more careful.


  1. Poor old you. I do sympathise as I had the same thing quite a few years ago. Funny how when we fall we stick our arms out to break the impact, even while knowing that's not such a good idea. Do hope you heal quickly and well.

  2. Oh poor you :( That was one unlucky fall...I hope it will heal up without further complications now!

  3. oh I'm real sorry for your accident, hope you will be better soon and can continue your treatment. I wish you'll have a good Christmastime and better New Year Jaana

  4. Wow that is some break!! Goes to show how easily it happens. Look after yourself Pamela and have a happy Christmas.

  5. omg thats nasty Pamela,hope it heals quickly for you,Merry Christmas my friend xx

  6. I'm wishing you better health in 2017!

  7. Merry Christmas, Pamela, fast healing to you!

  8. OMGosh!! It's ridiculous how a fall can do so much damage. There is something about looking at xrays that fascinates my husband. He has RA pretty badly and has received lots of xrays on discs that the looks at on the computer then takes a phone pic so he can show them to anyone that will look. Do you think that's weird?, lol.
    Merry Christmas. Nothing to do about that break but heal!!
    xx, Carol

  9. Oh my goodness, Pamela! I hope your arm is healing quickly and you'll be back to normal soon. But do be careful and maybe slow down a little, lol!
