
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Work in Progress Wednesday - Trip Stitching

I did get a little airport stitching before I broke my arm.  Don't know when I'll be able to stitch again.

Bad news from the doctor -  I have a complicated break.  I'm having surgery today and will spend a few days in the hospital.  I'll have a metal plate put in that will be removed (more surgery) when it is healed in about a year.  The cancer drugs are on hold because of low WBC and infection.  I'll be okay, but I sure seem to be having some bad luck lately!


  1. Oh my goodness. This is troubling news. Please continue to keep us updated, and take care of You first.

  2. Oh dear Pamela,not a good thing to happen to you ,hope it heals quickly for you my friend and that everything goes well for you now,take care xx

  3. Prayers for a successful surgery and quick recovery.
    Get well soon!

  4. Annoying setback Pamela, hope all goes well and you will be back home soon.

  5. Oh dear Pamela - what a shame. sending lots of love and hope all goes well today. xx

  6. That does not sound good, but I'm sure you'll be in good hands. Take your time and heal properly :)

  7. OMGOSH! I HATE to read this news. BUT...I always have a bright side. You can still teach with one good arm. What would you do if you couldn't work? Bless you. I hope your chemo will be able to resume soon.
    xx, Carol

  8. I hope the surgery went ok for you Pamela, a year is a long time to have the metal plate in! Hopefully your chemo can resume soon..take care of yourself. Thinking of you, sending positive thoughts.
