
Monday, January 23, 2017

Hands in the Pockets

I often put my hands in my jacket pockets when I walk, especially when it is chilly out.  It just feels like a natural thing to do.  At the place I work, it is not allowed to walk with hands in pockets.  They consider it a safety hazard - if you fall, you won't have hands to break your fall.  At work, I don't put my hands in my pockets, but when I'm out walking I do.  After putting my hand out when I fell in Okinawa and breaking my wrist bone, maybe it is not so good to use your hand when you fall.  What do you think and/or do - hands in the pockets or not?  

I love living where I can see Mt. Fuji!


  1. I don't walk with hands in pockets but have once fallen and broken my wrist by using my hands as buffer. This time I didn't use my hands and still got a fracture. You can't win either way:-)

  2. wow that is an amazing view Pamela,oh mybe keep your hands in your pocket,not sure on that one.

  3. I think I usually put my hands in my pockets but I worry I'll break my now I know it's better not to fall at all.

  4. That is a beautiful photo you have taken Pamela. Hands in pockets for me, if you fall what happens, happens!! My friend fell while using her walking stick, broke her glasses, cut her face and nose and ended up with two black eyes. Sometimes you are on the ground before you know it.

  5. I like to swing my arms when I walk.
    Great photo of Mt. Fuji.

  6. It depends on the pockets! If the jacket has pockets with a vertical opening yes, I would walk with my hands in the pocket, but if it has a sewn-on pocket with a horisontal opening, I would have to remember my gloves!

  7. No hands in my pockets. If it's the least cold I wear gloves though. Sometimes I put my hands up my sleeves with my arms crossed across my chest...left in right and right in left sleeve. Would probably crack my face open if I feel like THAT! Sometimes I put my hands in my JEANS pockets and a thought immediately crosses my mind about how that looks. I wonder why. When I fell this summer I was carrying a cup of coffee and braced myself with my left hand and really sprained my wrist and thumb. I was so lucky that I didn't break it.
    xx, Carol
