
Monday, January 9, 2017

January Medical Update

When I broke my arm in December, the oncologist stopped the chemotherapy drug for a few weeks.  Last week I had bloodwork, with the expectation that I would start chemotherapy again.  My bloodwork was totally out of whack, due to the surgery to repair my wrist, according to my doctor. I'll have a few more weeks break, then more blood work to see if can start chemotherapy again.    

My wrist bone seems to be healing, but the incision site is still pretty rough.  I think I will be starting physical therapy this week or next.  I don't know what that will entail.   Hopefully, I'll be able to get back to stitching again.

On another subject, today is a national holiday in Japan - Coming of Age Day. This is the day to celebrate 20 year olds becoming adults, with all the privileges and responsibilities that come with being an adult. Congratulations to all of Japan's new adults!


  1. I hope your wrist heals well Pamela and I hope the chemo goes well as well.

  2. Sorry to hear your blood is out of whack, I guess your body has had a lot to cope with over the past few months. Hope the therapy goes well for you.

  3. I hope you are close to some lovely parks and temples so you can go and drink in the harmony there Pamela, even in the winter they are so peaceful. Cheers Glenda in 28C and 87% humidity.

  4. Hi Pamela,boy so much going on for you healthwise,hope you feel better soon my friend and happy coming of age for those 20 yr olds in Japan.

  5. Well, that's the way it goes. Life has a way of putting a bump in the road and watching how high it will bounce us. I think the healing process has a lot to do with your mind set so think positive that all will work out ok.
    xx, Carol

  6. One step at a time, that is what your body is saying. Eventually you will be totally healed, I am sure.
    Some years ago the 'new adults' were childishly immature and badly behaved. In recent years they have made speeches of how they will commit to become good citizens and work for their community. Maybe the tsunami in Tohoku and earthquakes in Kumamoto have 'fostered' young people to grow up.

  7. Yes, just taking it one step, one healing at a time. I'm praying the blood work comes back better next time so you can resume the chemo.

  8. Good to know that your bone is healing fine and the incision site will soon, too.
    I hope that you can then continue your chemotherapy.
