
Friday, February 10, 2017

Big Tokyo Weekend - Quilt Show #4 NHK Partnership Quilts

I first learned about the NHK Partnership Quilts from a blogger known as Queenie.  She has been participating in this worthwhile cause since 2004 and always includes a Swedish flag in her blocks.  

I made blocks in 2013, 2014, and 2016, which were for quilts the following year in January.  There is a theme every year, this year is the love of gardening.  The quilts are raffled off and the money raised goes to charity.

I was very happy to attend the show and see the quilts for myself this year.  Here is my block:

Yellow Hexagon flowers

There were many quilts and I only took photos of a few of the quilts and a few of the interesting individual blocks.  


  1. I love the joy, color, and creativity of these quilts composed of unique little blocks. I think Chuck Nohara is their grandmother!

  2. Oh, this is such a good selection of Partnership quilts. You have shown how many blocks there are in each quilt and how subtle the shading of the background is. I often missed that at the show, standing too close.
    Let's take part again next year. I wonder what the theme will be!?

  3. Hi Pamela,omg these are amazing,thankyou for sharing,so much work has gone into these.

  4. Such beautiful quilts. It's interesting to see the nature themes in the designs :)

    I hadn't realized that Japan a homeless problem, but as you say it makes sense with the economy and the natural disasters in the last decade.

  5. Beautiful quilts there Pamela, your block is lovely.
