
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Lemon Chips

I always like to try new and different things, so when I saw these Chip Star lemon chips, I had to buy them. (These are a brand of Pringles-like chips).  I have to say though, in my opinion, they are only so-so.  Not lemony enough, not salty enough.


  1. Hi Pamela boy lemon chips thats something different xx

  2. I would have tried them too! I like that type of chip in different flavors, but not flavored potato chips. I must be weird.
    xx, Carol

  3. Always worth giving something a try, Pamela... it's always so interesting to see what treats are available in other countries.

  4. I'm a sucker for anything lemon or ume or cheese here and will try anything once. The package usually draws me in. I'm glad you reviewed these before I saw them in the store so I can save my money.

  5. The packaging is attractive, regardless of what's inside.
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    the packaging, so colorful.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing the link to your Pear Project. I can see myself stitching these. You have so many pretty 17 in 2017 projects - so many different crafts

  7. Interesting combination! I had some lobster chip from the same brand a while ago, but I did not enjoy those at all.
