
Thursday, June 1, 2017

My Onigiri Favorites

Onigiri is a popular Japanese food, made from rice, usually with a filling and often wrapped in nori (seaweed).  Some people make them at home, but they are inexpensive and available at every convenience store. I like the salmon or tuna wrapped in nori, but my favorites are the rice with bamboo shoots and the barley with beans and seaweed from Lawson's convenience store.  Do you eat onigiri?  What are your favories?


  1. They look yummy! And Mary is looking great! One of these days....

  2. Hi Pamela I have never heard of these before ,they look yummy though xx

  3. There used to be a fancy onigiri place in New York that had lobster onigiri and some other fun inventions. Sadly, it closed. Though we have some Japanese markets here, the selection of onigiri is limited. Usually I like salmon and also umeboshi. Grilled onigiri is also tasty.

  4. They look wonderful, I haven't heard of them before either. We get sushi here in lots of places....will,have to look our for these.

  5. Yaki onigiri and okaka (dried bonito flakes (katsuobushi) and soy sauce) would be my favorite. They are safe bets and always tastes good.

  6. I've recently bought onigiri forms and experimented a bit with making my own. So far I've tried cream cheese with cucumber and tuna salad, and both were pretty good. I'll have to try something else soon!

  7. Well, of course I have never even HEARD of it. But I bet I would like it. I love rice and most Oriental food I have had. Except for Thai food. There is something about it that I just don't enjoy.
    xx, Carol
