
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Nagasaki - Peace Park, Hypocenter Memorial, Atomic Bomb Museum

One of the big themes is to learn from this horrible event and make sure it never happens again.

Peace Park  

Hypocenter Memorial 

Atomic Bomb Museum 

This museum was opened in April 1996. As you enter the museum, you go back in time.  The years are on the wall as you wind down the walkway.

Tickets to enter the museum (200 yen) are sold from a machine. 

Sanno Shrine One Leg Tori 

This shrine was 800 meters from the center of the blast.  One leg of the shrine's tori fell over and one remained standing.

This was a sobering day.  It is unbelievable that history may repeat itself.


  1. Hi Pamela yes so true,we must remember so that it doesnt happen again xx

  2. It is always sobering visiting a place where atrocities have happened, we experienced the same in Cambodia at the Killing Fields, and Dachau. To me it is very sad that as a human race we do not learn from the past. There is always someone who is determined to prove they are the most bold and the strongest without regard to the human race or the world we live on.

  3. Pamela: This is an amazing place, I would love to visit someday.


  4. This was such an informative post. Reading all the plaques, I see there is a lot to be learned from history. I can think of two people off the top of my head who should visit these places sometime in the next month. They might just save the world from re-experiencing these tragedies.

  5. Thank you for this Pamela. But will we ever learn!

  6. Pamela, thanks for a great read... & let's just hope, pray, cross fingers, (whatever our inclinations are), that such disaster doesn't happen again.
    I won't get started on the two main players at the moment, but I will say their behaviors & 'interactions' very frightening & totally irresponsible.

  7. What a beautiful memorial, and how humbling to be reminded of what happened there. I really hope humankind will be wise enough to not repeat this mistake.

  8. Beautiful statues and monuments. Such a sad place to visit. The rhetoric and threats spoken by two infantile leaders bring fear every single day that some atrocious act can very easily happen again. How have we come to this edge yet again.
    xx, Carol

  9. A very sobering place. I had the same thoughts as a few other commenters - that a few world leaders could benefit from some thoughtful contemplation at this memorial.
