
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Fukuoka Castle Ruins and Ohori Park

I love seeing Japanese castles, so I couldn't pass up seeing the castle ruins in Fukuoka.  They are located in a beautiful park, with a lake and islands.


  1. Beautiful photos, Pamela. I love the Japanese architecture. The castles are stunning. I also love the swan-boat and the sea-turtles! Kisses, my friend.

  2. Another beautiful and interesting place to visit peaceful that person looks sitting under the trees.

  3. That looks like a lovely spot. What a lot of turtles!

  4. Hi Pamela wow what a pretty place ,you have so much to see in Japan and how relaxing does that last pic look xx

  5. More history touring. I read the date, 1601, when building was started, that's a long time ago!
    It looks like relaxing, peaceful surroundings.

  6. I have been to Fukuoka several times but missed out on both of these sights, unfortunately.
    Surprising to see Starbucks, although the spelling mistake is not!, on an official park guide!

  7. I love your pictures. I am taken with photos of the ruins and the modern buildings in the background of the shot of the swan boat. Will you ever run out of places to visit?
    xx, Carol

  8. I also love castles because they are always full of history even when there are only the ruins. Great pictures.

  9. I can't believe how much you've done on your vacation - it's mid October and we are still getting to see those lovely pictures. Look at all those happy turtles!
