
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Takashima Castle

After visiting the Snow Monkey Park, I stayed a second night in Matsumoto. Sunday morning, I left on the train (day 3 of my seishun 18 kippu) for Suwa to visit Takshima Castle.

It was a cold day and the water in the moat was frozen.

After entering the gate, I walked around the castle grounds.  There is a playground and a shrine.

Inside this reconstructed castle, there is a small museum.  No photographs are allowed on the second floor.

From the third floor, there is a view of the area.  On a clear day, Mt. Fuji is able to be seen.

Another interesting bit of Japanese history.  (If you are interested in Japanese Castles, check out my Castle Page to see the castles I've visited.)


  1. Hi Pamela wow another interesting place,thankyou for sharing xx

  2. A frozen moat is an interesting concept. I wonder if it is still effective in solid form?

    Are the "hats" on the trees some sort of protection from snow, do you know? I'm imagining that maybe they protect branches from breaking under the weight, maybe?

  3. Another interesting excursion! Those castles all look similar, but still different enough to make visiting them worth it, I think.
