
Friday, February 9, 2018

Someone At My Door

My apartment has a video camera that shows me who is at my door.  It's rare that anyone I know comes to the door, but I often get people I don't know ringing the door bell.  Sometimes it is a sales person, but most of the time a Jehovah's Witness or other religious person. I try to be quiet and I don't answer the door, but sometimes they just don't want to go away.


  1. Hi Pamela thats good that you can see who is at your door,i think its a great idea,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  2. Same kind of people often ring our door, as well (and they're persistent). We just don't answer , tiptoeing in our own home, until they leave LOL :D


  3. Hi Pamela: If you do make any noise can they hear you from the door?just curious.


  4. I kinda wish we had one. Luckily we haven't had any sales people (knock on wood) but we have had JW. I just let them talk; they're nice folk but very persistent!

  5. I had to laugh. I'm not in Japan, but somehow we ended up on a list for a religious organization that seems to focus on Japanese people here in the US. It would be really useful to have a video camera on our door...

  6. How annoying for you to have these unwelcome and persistent visitors. The reason there is a door phone with camera installed in your apartment is to avoid having to answer the door to such people. I think it is a good idea of you to take a picture of the visitors, just in case you want/need to ask the police for help in fighting off the stalkers.

  7. That's a bit annoying when they don't want to go away although you don't answer the door or tell them to leave.

  8. Our living room has two patio doors. I'm telling you, if I don't know the person on the other side of the door, I don't open it most of the time. If it's a salesman, forget it. Besides the dogs are going wild because a stranger is on the porch. They are VERY intimidating.
    xx, Carol

  9. I'd forgotten how we used to avoid people at the door when we lived in the city. Out here visitors are so rare that it's not a problem. We've had 1 religious visitor and one opinion surveyor in 2.5 years. Neither of them got what they came for, but they weren't avoided, either.

  10. That's certainly handy to have! I someone rings at my door, I just have to answer and hope for the best...but thankfully, we haven't gotten a lot of unwanted visitors so far.

  11. Wonderful you can see who is there and decide if you want to open the door or not. Great safety feature.
