
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Work in Progress Wednesday - Chicken Scratch

I started this last week and it's been pretty fun.  I carry it around and can work on it during my lunch hour at work.  It's one color of thread and I don't need to look at a pattern.  I've finished one edge and have made progress on the first stitch along the long sides.

Have you tried doing chicken scratch?  What have you made?


  1. Hi Pamela its looking fantastic,no i havent tried this stitch before i have only done a cross stitch table cloth,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  2. Pretty, pretty ! Here, we use to call it "Swiss embroidery"... Never tried my hands on this, (yet :D ) LOVE some portable project going anywhere with me.

    In stitches,

  3. I made a cushion cover and had just as much fun as you are having. It is fascinating to see how the checked fabric change into lace!

  4. No I have never done this but I do like looking at yours. Maybe when I retire I can try out some of this lovely handwork that you do.

  5. Very effective Pamela - looking lovely. xx

  6. I haver never done chicken scratch. Looks wonderful.

  7. I have seen posts about chicken scratch stitching, but I admit I never took a close look until today. It's amazing to see the transformation from plain to wonderful.
    xx. Carol

  8. This looks pretty Pamela. I bought some gingham fabric weeks ago to try some chicken scratch but then found a chicken scratch embroidered tablecloth at a local charity shop which needs repairing, so I´m having fun with this stitching.

  9. I havent ever done cross stitch, yours looks wonderful.

  10. I have never tried to stitch Swiss Embroidery as it's called here, too. But I have seen project with this pattern on several blogs and the result always looks great - like yours.

  11. I haven't heard of or tried chicken scratch before, but it looks like fun!
