
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Work In Progress Wednesday - Vacation Stitching

I always like to bring three projects on a trip, and this trip is no different.  For this trip I chose a new chicken scratch project, 

felt snowman ornaments (pre-cut at home), 

and the eyelet fobs. 

I hope to have progress to show when I return. Do you stitch when you are away from home?


  1. It is good to have several project for different parts of your journey. E.g. a small thing on the train, a more complicated project that needs scissors, pins, ruler etc for the hotel room.
    Yes, I often have something to do when I am on a trip.

  2. Hi Pamela you will be busy ,yes i stitch all the time every night and when i go away and sometimes even in the car,got to keep my hands busy,lol xx

  3. These all look like fun! (I have yet to try chicken scratch and look forward to seeing yours.) I tend to take a small CQ project and/or a small cross-stitch project on trips. I hope you have a great time!

  4. When I'm on the road, I mostly take only wool and knitting needles, socks go best.

  5. Wonderful holiday projects.
    I take something to sew with me.

  6. Fun projects, yes.
    If I travel by train I'll take some hand work.

  7. Very pretty projects, I always have some EPP when I go on a trip, hand stitching for the plane, or knitting in the car.

  8. You appear to have been bitten by a chicken scratch bug! Looking forward to seeing your vacation progress.
