
Friday, June 22, 2018

Friday Finish - Green Obi Set

A while back a friend asked me if I could make something out of her aunt's obi (sash worn with kimono).  She said she didn't care what I made or how long it took.  I suggested a bag, but she said no.  Anything else was okay. There are three embroidered sections, but the fabric isn't in the best condition.  The embroidery is very pretty, but there are discoloration marks throughout the obi.

I've been thinking about it while letting every other project come first, when I finally decided to just do it. I made a wall hanging, a small pillow and three small table runners (one with the smallest of the embroidered sections.)  

I did my best with it.


  1. They look great! I especially like the wall hanging.

  2. Your refashioning of the obi is wonderful, Pamela--five pretty finishes out of one piece of fabric. Very impressive :)

  3. Well done, you have made some beautiful treasures.

  4. Hi Pamela wow you did an amazing job my friend ,such beautiful projects,well done xx

  5. Beautiful! I am sure she will love what you did.

  6. Great ideas for using an obi. I really like the wall Hanging!

  7. I hope your friend will love them. They look lovely.

  8. Ooo I think these are wonderful refinishes! I really like the soft green color.

  9. You did well, I hope your friend was pleased.

  10. The fact that the obi was used and a bit worn adds to the charm.
    The fabric and embroidery are beautiful and now they can be enjoyed and put to
    good use. Lovely.

  11. Beautiful embroidery - so glad you were able to reuse it for your friend. xx

  12. These look fabulous! What a great way to repurpose the obi. The embroidery looks exquisite and you’ve made some really tasteful pieces.

  13. I got my kimono and obi 'fix' today - I went to see the exhibition in Gajoen in Meguro. There were some great quilts. You were lucky to have such large areas of the obi that you could make these items. In many cases there is discoloration and so many moth holes that cutting the fabric into smaller pieces is the only solution.
    The irises are blooming in many areas now so it is a very seasonal embroidery.

  14. You "recycled" the obi in a very creative way. Great job.

  15. This is glorious. I know she had to be pleased. The pillows are exquisite and of course she will love the hanging. Bravo.

  16. Great re-purposing! I especially love the wall hanging, is that wav-y wiggle the discolouration or a dyed this way on purpose?
