
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Stitch Group - Cross Stitch

One stitcher modeled her chicken scratch apron.  Very nicely done! 

Finding the middle of the chart and the fabric is an important step with a new cross stitch project.  

I ate the ice cream and the anko filled cake, but had to take the pineapple cake from China and the Disney potato treats home to eat. 

When we meet next we are planning to work on NHK partnership quilt blocks. You can read what that's all about on Queenie's blog.


  1. Hi Pamela your friend's apron looks fantastic and great fun starting a new project xx

  2. Sweet apron!
    And you're all busy stitching and snacking, looks good.
    I think I'd need to walk around the block a few more times after
    all those treats.

  3. Great to see the photos of everyone enjoying their stitching!
    Your friends apron looks lovely. It’s so nice to stitch something that can be useful!
    I especially love seeing her slippers. I wish we had the same philosophy about using slippers, it would help with wear and tear on carpets and be comfy wearing them!
    Hugs, Barbara xx

  4. Your friend's apron is lovely. I always like seeing pictures of your group.
    xx, Carol

  5. You always work on such a variety of projects - keeps the groups alive and fun.

  6. Well done to your friends on their crafting projets.

  7. I am looking forward to see what your students come up with for the Partnership blocks.
    Chicken scratch on a café style apron lifts the design out of the past and into the present. Stylish!

  8. That apron is a great finish. She must be very proud of it.
    Looking forward to seeing your Partnership blocks next time.

  9. Lots of treats this time! What are you stitching?
