
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Asimo - Retired?

Honda has announced it may scrap future generations of Asimo. Asimo, the humanoid robot that was launched in 2000, danced for German leader Angela Merkel and in 2014, played football with former US President Barack Obama. 

Honda says it may focus on humanoid robots that can help care for elderly and disabled people. There have been no upgrades to Asimo since the seventh generation debuted in 2011.  

I use Asimo in my beginner English class for teaching can and can't.  First we talk about what he can do - open and close doors, operate light switches, walk forward and backwards, climb stairs, carry loads, push carts, bend and straighten his joints, raise his arms 105 degrees, etc.  Then I ask the student what Asimo can't do and we discuss why he can't.  Can he ride a bicycle? Can he talk on the phone?  Can he swim?  And so on. I can also introduce acronyms - Advanced Step in Innovative MObility with Asimo.  In addition, Asimo is so cute!


  1. Sadly, it looks like Asimo has been made obsolete by that robot that can run!

  2. Hi Pamela oh i havent heard of these robots,gee we really are going space age xx

  3. I like the shape and size of this robot, and I will miss seeing him, but I can understand that Honda wants to get a bite of the care robot industry - more money to be had there than with robots that can play football or entertain.

  4. Humanoid robots are cool, but I think this type of physique introduces way more challenges into robotics than just making the robots functional and less human...they are more toys than usefull tools really. That being said, they ARE cute - and have you seen Nao? That one is adorable!

  5. Robots to take care of people. I'm pretty sure that does not appeal to ME! If Honda would bring back the Element I would buy a new car TODAY!!
    xx, Carol

  6. That is interesting, not sure I would like a robot caring for me in my old age either. Sounds perfect for your class though.
