
Tuesday, July 10, 2018


So, my oncologist/surgeon was transferred to a hospital several hours away.  When he told me, I was feeling sad because he was so kind and such a wonderful doctor.  I didn't want a new doctor who didn't know my situation and hadn't been with me through it all.  I wanted my same doctor.  Nothing I could do about it and as it turned out no need for worry.  My new doctor is kind and caring and I think it will be okay.  I still miss my old doctor though.  

Three weeks ago I found out my apartment building didn't meet Japan's building laws.  It was a stressful couple of weeks, finding a new apartment, packing everything, then getting moved.   The movers were quick and efficient Saturday morning.  The new apartment is smaller and not laid out as conveniently as the old one, but I am on the second floor with a view of the sky. The new apartment is very close to the old one, so I will still walk by the stream on my way to work.  

I am thankful to have such good healthcare here in Japan.  I'm thankful to be in a safe building with a window.


  1. It sounds like a stressful time. Change is hard. I'm glad you'll still have a nice walk by the stream and excellent healthcare!

  2. I'm glad that you have good health care as well and I hope you adjust to the change of the new apartment.

  3. Hi Pamela ,change is hard as we get older ,but trust in the universe that it will all work out.I wish you well with your new Dr and new apartment,sending you a hug my friend xx

  4. Change is scary but when someone is as strong as you are, change can be challenged, met and dealt with. You now have another good doctor, although you might miss the first one. You now have a new Room With a View and one that is safe as well. I don't know if you have noticed any earth tremors lately in your part of Japan, but in the Chiba/Tokyo region we are experiencing them often now - the Chiba plates are in 'slow movement'. Wherever you are in Japan, living in a safe building is important.

  5. So good to hear your new Doctor is kind and caring, I hope all goes well with him. My goodness that is a short time to have to find a new place get packed and move. Good to hear your new building is a safe one and you get a view of the sky.

  6. Hi Pamela,
    They sound like good changes, especially your flat, as Queenie says with the earth tremors you want to be in a safe building, so maybe it was a good thing you had to move.
    It’s annoying when you have to change doctors and I’m glad you’ve found your new doctor is kind and caring!
    Good that you can still enjoy your walks to work along the stream.
    Barbara xx

  7. I have had the same Doc since 1979 when he graduated medical school. We are about the same age and he was born in the same town as I was. In many ways over the past decades he has been my Savior and I do not look forward to his retirement.

    I have been thinking about you and wonder if any of the flooding is where you live. There is a lot of activity going on in The Ring Of Fire so I'm glad you you are in a more save building. Dealing with changes is not always that easy.
    xx, Carol

  8. Dear Pamela, I'm glad to see that your concerns about a new doctor were allayed... good health care is such a blessing.
    And to have to move recently... wow so much going on for you. Sounds like you have a nice outlook from your new apartment, despite the size & layout change.
    I hope you settle in ok.

  9. Change can be scary, but I'm glad you have both a good new doctor and a safe apartment now. And really glad they found out the building wasn't up to standard without anything bad happening!

  10. I'm sorry for the stress you've gone through lately, but it's very
    encouraging to hear about the outcome and your outlook.
    I remind myself having hope and being flexible are choices.

  11. That's a lot to deal with all at once. Hopefully you can relax now and enjoy your new view as you settle into your new home.

  12. Whew, a lot to take in at once! I'm glad your new place has a view of the sky! Did everyone have to move out of the apartment? I know they have very strict codes there but with all the rumbles, it makes sense!

  13. Wow, that's a lot of change to have to go through at one time. Were you anywhere near the flooding that was so devastating? Have a great rest of the week! :)

  14. It will be hard at first, but I hope it gets better soon.

  15. Making these changes would be hard for anyone, but I know you will be fine. Glad your new apartment is close to your regular haunts and you can see out to the sky. That would be important for me as I would hate looking out onto a wall or just a neighboring building.

    Hope this new doctor proves to be even better than the last! Hugs!!
