
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Wa-Quilt Show at the Hotel Gajoen Tokyo - Part 3

I posted part one here and part two here. There were just so many wonderful Japanese quilts that I couldn't post them all at one time.


  1. There are so many beautiful pieces I wouldn't be able to pick a favorite either.

  2. Those miniature quilts, most of them framed, at the beginning of this post were absolutely stunning. The quilters must have used microscope to stitch those minuscule pieces, AND in kimono silk, AND by hand.
    My favourite is still the Suffolk Puff (yo-yo) quilt with laced background.
    Eiko Okano's kimono was great, too.
    Thank you for taking so many photos and sharing them with us, Pamela.

  3. Wow! This show is just so amazing. So many pieces of such an incredibly high standard. I would be completely overwhelmed to see it in person, all at once. I'm glad you spread the photos out over a few posts!

  4. Hi Pamela wow everything is so beautiful and colourful,thankyou for sharing my friend xx

  5. Amazing! Love the black flowered background with the yo yo flowers in the center!

  6. Every quilt is stunning. So many dedicated needle-people busily stitching.
    I like the koi and waterlily pads very much.

  7. I just can't stop admiring these fabulous quilts!!!!!!!!! Thank you, Pamela.

  8. So many beautiful quilts and colours, love the long skinny ones.

  9. Oh, wow! I really like those long and narrow quilts. So many great ideas!

  10. What are the long narrow quilts? Are they table runners or do they have some special name? My favorites of this batch are either the koi fish or the stunning cranes/stained glass one.
