
Sunday, September 23, 2018

St. Monica's Cathedral and a Few Other Things

St. Monica's Old Cathedral is listed on the Queensland Heritage Register.  I stopped in because it was near my hotel, the best cat in the world was named Monica, and I'd read in the guidebook about the stained glass windows inside the new part of the church (that I did not take photos of, being inside the church).

The photo below has nothing to do with the church, I don't know what it is about, but I thought it was interesting.

I was a girl scout in the US for many years, so when I saw these girl guide buildings in Freshwater, I couldn't help taking pictures.

I saw quite a few signs like this but I have no idea what it means -?

My hotel had a simple do it yourself breakfast available for $7.50 each morning.  I think I ate there three times.  

In my room every day there was coffee and tea and a small snack. 


Lastly, I love carrot cake, but just can't find it in Japan.  Two afternoons I ate lunch at an outdoor cafe and had the same thing both days - Greek salad and carrot cake.


  1. Hi Pamela: Mike said Refuge Island is for people crossing a road that is where they can stop before finishing their walk across the road is traffic is coming and not stopping.
    I love carrot cake, yummy.


  2. I was a Girl Scout too!
    And good choice, carrot cake and Greek salad.

  3. A few interesting things in this post.

    The refuge island is for people crossing the road, so they can stop half-way. I guess the signs are to warn drivers that there could be people standing in the middle of the road.

    The colourful sculptures are giant version of a popular Australian lolly (sweet) called a Jelly Baby. ( Apparently those ones are outside the Contemporary Arts centre in Cairns.

  4. Hi Pamela wow what an interesting place love those cute coloured jelly babies,Thankyou my friend for sharing your lovely time with us xx

  5. This is an interesting post and I'm happy to read that a few comments explained what a Refuge Island is. I would have liked to see the inside of the church though.
    xx, Carol

  6. Good to see you have had an explanation of the Refuge Island, keeps pedestrians safe :-) love the jelly baby statues.

  7. What a handsome building. And I had no idea about Refuge Island. Interesting!

  8. A beautiful looking church.
    Glad you have had the refuge explained.

  9. I loved staines glass windows. Were they as pretty as you hoped for?
