
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Work In Progress Wednesday - The Backside

We had another Monday holiday this week (two in a row!).  This week's national holiday was Autumn Equinox Day.  In Japan, we get days off work for the Autumn Equinox and the Spring Equinox.  So, I had more stitching time this week.  I worked on the fobs, kogin, and made two additional butterfly kimono bags that still need the drawstring casings and the drawstrings.  

Last week, Carol from Beads and Birds, left a comment saying she would like to have a peek at the backside of my stitching. Here are this week's backsides.  I try to be as neat as I can, but sometimes it's hard.


  1. Your stitching is incredibly neat on the reverse.
    I think the UK should have 2 days holiday for the Equinox too!

  2. Beautiful stitching, the backs look really tidy.

  3. Hi Pamela wow you sure made the most of your holidays,beautiful work my friend xx

  4. Fabulous work, Pamela!
    That's great to get days off for fall and spring equinox. I think employees
    are happier when they're treated well.

  5. Lovely work - gosh your backs are neat!! Have enjoyed your Australia posts. xx

  6. Your detail and color combinations are exquisite. And yes, as others have said, I'm impressed with the back!

  7. Thank you for a view of the back of your work. It was almost like looking at the front. I can't remember anyone ever teaching me to embroider and I learned long before the internet. I remember someone telling me the back should be as neat as the front and I was obsessed with that in past projects. I am always curious about the back of the work of accomplished stitchers, as you are. All of your projects are lovely and perfectly stitched.
    xx, Carol

  8. Great progress! This week's backsides look almost as pretty as the fronts.
