
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Meoto Iwa

Meoto Iwa means the "Wedded Rocks", the two rocks that are connected firmly by a thick straw rope called shimenawa. I arrived early in the morning and the scene was breathtaking.

There were several shrines along the coast.  I don't know if they were connected.  The first one, closest to the Meoto Iwa rocks had a lot of frogs.

I walked along and the sun came up higher. There were only a few other people around and the views were stunning.


  1. It looks amazing in that early morning blue light.

  2. Your pictures ARE amazing. The post got me wondering what the shrine is about. Off to Google I went. I was amazed that the rope that mates the rocks weighs a ton and is ceremoniously changed 3 times a year. I REALLY wanted to know the significance of the frogs as you might guess a frog lover such as I would wonder. I never really gave much thought to the Japanese lore before this post. Quite interesting. It seems to me that the Japanese are an honorable people.
    xx, Carol

  3. Great photos Pamela, interesting what Carol has mentioned too.

  4. Magnificent early morning splendour, peace and tranquility

  5. It IS a magical place, isn't it? I have a good collection of the frogs, bought at the little shinto shop near the gate.
    Did you know that as the Japanese word for frog is the same as for 'come back home', having a from with you when you go traveling means you are sure to return home safely? You can also have a miniature frog (usually metal) in your purse, to make sure the money you spend will return to your purse!

  6. Have you seen the Pixar-short 'Lava' with the two volcanoes that are in love but can't get together? Those rocks just had me thinking of it.
