
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Tokyo International Quilt Festival - Traditional Category

My favorite in this category ----


  1. So many stunning quilts. Love the one of the wall of photos and the plant.

  2. I am so glad I don't have to be a judge here! They're all so beautiful and how many hundreds of hours went into each. Thousands collectively. Thank you for letting us join you there!

  3. Wow, amazing!
    I love the last quilt especially! All the clever little details ..... doors, windows and even sheep! So cute!
    Thank you for sharing them with us!
    Barbara x

  4. wow stunning quilt Pamela,love them all but the sunflower one stands out to me my DD1 loves sunflowers,thankyou for sharing with us xx

  5. The standard was very high this time, most of the quilts were show stoppers - no wonder it was hard to take pictures.
    What an enormous amount of work that has been put into each and every one of these Traditional quilts is unbelievable - where do the quilters get the time to do it all?

  6. I like Traditional Category
    the best in Tokyo International Quilt Festival. So beautiful and amazing!

  7. So many amazing ones, couldn't possibly choose a favourite.

  8. They are so pretty! I love the one with the pond and all the water lillies. I bet some peoples spend all year working on their entry for the enxt show.

  9. Now that I've seen them all, I think this has to be my favorite category but it's so hard to pick a favorite quilt here! I seem to be drawn to the circular ones this time, with the large central motif and the pretty corners. I also love that waterlily version! That is a beautiful blue.
