
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tokyo International Quilt Festival - Impressionists

There was a special exhibit featuring these quilters' interpretations of the impressionist artists.  Going through my photos, I see I missed some of the exhibit, but I will show you what I did see and take pictures of. I'm sorry the photos are out of order.

鷲沢 玲子キャシー中島上田 葉子阪本 あかね


  1. Hi Pamela wow what a wonderful the group pic at the end xx

  2. Thank you for sharing your lovely pictures of this amazing exhibition, I have really enjoyed seeing the work of so many talented people.

  3. That is a very interesting concept for a quilt exhibition. Some lovely work and creative displays.

  4. Stunning exhibits, and lovely female artists!

  5. It always amazes me how much time the quilters must spend on these exhibits - they are working on these projects AS WELL AS making their own quilts. Do they have time to do housework?
    It was also interesting to see how they interpreted the original works of the painters.

  6. Lovely interpretations of the original works. The displays just blow me away!!
    xx, Carol

  7. I'm so enjoying your posts about the quilt festival! I also enjoy your other posts, absolutely, but I wanted to let you know that I appreciate all of the work you're putting into sharing all of the quilts!

  8. My jaw dropped as I looked at these. The VanGogh room is just magnificent. What inspiration they had to work with and what inspiration their work provides.

  9. These are really cool. I think impressionism is an art style that goes well with quilting.
