
Friday, March 8, 2019

2019 Cherry Blossom Update

The Cherry Blossom forecast was updated again last week. You can check out all the updates here.

This is the forecast for my area --


Flowering anticipated date (average year)3/23 (3/25)
Full bloom the anticipated date (average year)4/1 (4/3)

This is the forecast for the city near where I used to live in Hokkaido --


Flowering anticipated date (average year)5/2 (5/3)
Full bloom the anticipated date (average year)5/6 (5/7)


  1. Cherry blossoms, beautiful time of the year!
    Are you planning a trip to experience it first hand?

  2. Well let me ask this question. Since you now live further south, is there much difference in the climate where you are now? Is it warmer where you used to live. Here in the US we are accustomed to thinking north is colder but living on an island, so to speak, must really effect the temperatures depending on the water streams of the ocean.

    I would ask Google, but weather patterns don't appear to be following the "normal" as reported on web sites.
    xx, Carol

  3. I love that they can time them so well, but then they've had a lot of practice!

  4. Cherry Blossom is so pretty and beautiful.

  5. I heard there was already some flowering happening in Tokyo. I hope we'll still get to see some!
