
Saturday, April 6, 2019

Castle Day

I love English language word play, but the Japanese version is more difficult for me. There are a number of faux holidays that make use of words or numbers in a type of word play.  April 6 is known as Castle Day (Shiro no Hi).  Shi (4) and Ro (6) make up the Japanese word for castle, shiro.

(Osaka Castle)

(If you are interested in Japanese Castles, check out my Castle Page to see the castles I've visited.)


  1. Hi Pamela i love castles these are so different to the ones in Scotland,hope you have a wonderful day my friend xx

  2. That's fascinating. The Hebrew language does something similar, which I can't explain because I don't actually know the language, but the "names" of numbers do take on significance. I would like to see more of the Japanese number-names in some future post on your blog!

    best... mae at

  3. I think that's a neat holiday. and very interesting how the words go together. Rick is always talking about that but I am never quite sure what he means! Or rather, I get it -- but I'm not sure how I'd understand it to read or deal with daily!

  4. My next visit will include more time in Osaka, a beautiful castle.

  5. The Japanese seem to love their word plays, and I giggle with glee everytime I actually 'get' one!
