
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Man Space

I see this every time I am on the train.  Men spread out their legs, taking up more than one seat, while women keep their knees together and only get half a seat. Does this happen on the train where you live, or is it only in Japan?


  1. Yes, it's called man-spreading in the US these days. In NYC there are subway signs discouraging it, but it still happens!

  2. Pretty sure that's universal. :P

  3. It's a world-wide phenomenon. Even has a Wikipedia page:

    What I really really hate (which I must admit doesn't happen now that I'm old and grey) is when a man sits opposite you in such a way that he has one knee on either side of your own - ie you are trapped between his legs. That probably doesn't happen so much for short people, but I have long legs and the space between seats is usually not enough to avoid contact with other people's knees.

  4. This is not limited to commuter trains and busses. Once on a flight to London the man next to me had his carry on case between in legs. It meant that his left leg was occupying my floor space. NOT fun for a crowded and bumpy ride! The crew did nothing to solve the luggage problem.

  5. Lol I actually did a post back when I was in Fukuoka going from Oonojo to Hakata to go to school. I quickly noticed what I call now the Ultimate Japanese Seat Block Maneuver (I took a picture)!

    I understand why they do this and I also understand that they know it will make people go find another seat if there might be one before breaking up the seat block maneuver :P

  6. I never noticed it, but I don't use public transportation much and most places I sit are individual seats. For me, it goes back to being taught and a young lady to keep my knees together.
    xx, Carol

  7. I've hear this called 'man-spreading', but honestly, I don't think I ever noticed it in person. Personally, I like to cross my legs when sitting...but only if there's enough space to not bother anyone!
