
Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Camino - Part 13, Going to Padron

I enjoyed walking every day. Some days with company, but most of the time I was alone.

Hotel Rivera, Padron


  1. I am really enjoying all your photos. It seems like you had excellent weather for your journey.
    I am curious about your average number of steps/miles/kilometers you walked each day. I imagine it is quite high!

  2. You always show us things of interest - in this post there are some graves. Isn't it interesting to see how people in different countries burry, honour and remember people who have passed way?

  3. More great photographs - I love that funny building on stilts. Reminds me of something similar in a town near here. xx

  4. The photo with the long shadow is stunning! Good capture of the cat at the border line between shadow and sun!
    It seems you've got a decent hotel; that's very important for someone away from home.

  5. Another wonderful day of photos for us tagging along.

  6. The internet tells me the coastal route is 260km, so you obviously covered a fair distance each day. I've enjoyed your walk immensely!

  7. You see so much more interesting things when traveling on foot!

  8. What lovely images! That wisteria is gorgeous and you know I can't resist a photo of a cat!
