
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Camino - Part 6, Another Gorgeous Day

I was really lucky when it came to weather.  Each day was as gorgeous as the day before!

I walked across this big bridge into Viana Do Castelo and it was a little scary.

Near this church, I met up with a family from Italy - Mother, Father, six year old boy, and one and a half year old girl (who was being carried by the mother).  I walked and talked with them a short distance, then left them to deal with toilet issues as I continued on.

At this area I met up with the German woman that I had walked with the day before.  She didn't want to walk with me again because she said I walked too fast.  I continued on alone.

The Camino crossed the rail road tracks here.  I looked both ways before crossing.

I stopped here to use the toilet and get a drink, then continued on.

I have no idea why there was a yellow toilet in the forest.

Hotel Meira


  1. The scenery is always pleasant and the building interesting, but there are almost no people around. I feel a little 'ghost town' atmosphere.
    Every hotel you have chosen looks modern and clean.

  2. Hi Pamela wonderful pics my sister enjoyed this trip and is hoping to do some others,the weather looks fantastic,so glad you did this trek xx

  3. Glad you have had such nice weather - pictures are great. xx

  4. That garden full of red sculptures(?) is quite unique!

  5. I might have missed something but did you walk the entire distance/trail? Or were there buses that took your luggage to the hotels? It certainly is lovely.

  6. Wonderful weather you had, such a beautiful blue sky. That yellow toilet made me smile!!

  7. A yellow toilet? Japan is not the only country with mysteries!

  8. Gosh this is such a wonderful place. I often wonder why my ancestors didn't immigrate to a warmer country!
    xx, Carol
